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Asue Ighodalo Not a Stranger, Obaseki Says, Inaugurates Oredo Campaign Committee

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Asue Ighodalo Not a Stranger, Obaseki Says, Inaugurates Oredo Campaign Committee

…says politics not about noise, lies, but evidence

By Nosakhare Agbonigiarhuoyi

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has said that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Candidate for the September 21, 2024 gubernatorial election in Edo State, Dr. Asue Ighodalo, is not coming to lead Edo as a stranger, having been part of governance in the state since 2008. The Governor made this remark on Monday May 20, 2024, while inaugurating the Oredo Local Government Campaign Committee, at the PDP secretariat, in Benin City.

Obaseki described Oredo, a local government he hails from, as a crucial barometer for politics in the state, while enumerating series of projects by his administration which have benefited the local government area.

According to the Governor, “This new politics is not about noise or lies. It is about evidence. We are changing the politics to make sure that the voters’ turnout in Oredo is one of the highest in this election. Our campaign will focus on what we have done.

“They said we did not do roads. In Oredo, let us show them how many roads we have done. I am going to give you the list of all the streets we have tarred and send people door-to-door to those streets, to tell them, that one way they can say ‘thank you’ and ensure continuity, is for them to come out and vote.

“This committee that we are inaugurating today to manage our election is going to be focused on units. You know that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) came up with new units, and many people do not know their new units. So, the starting point from next week is for us to go door-to-door.”

He continued: “We will make sure that all those young people who are now of voting age, and do not have Permanent Voters Card (PVC), register to get their PVCs; we will encourage them to register.”

“This election is for our future, it is for the children, it is for the youths. We saw what they did the last time. But that was different because it affected the country. This time around, the election is to show the young people they have hope; that hope is not lost. We are bringing in the right candidate that will sustain all we have done.”

Obaseki further stated that a 30-year plan has been put in place by his administration for continuity and to guide successive administrations on the progressive path which the state has been set on, noting that the PDP candidate, Dr. Asue Ighodalo is not coming into leadership as a stranger.

According to Obaseki, “We have put in place a 30-year plan. We know what will happen next year and the year after and the year after. So, Dr. Asue is not coming as a stranger. He has been with us since 2008. He knows what to do. He is experienced. He is a manager of men, money, and materials. He does not have to go through what I went through. I have laid the foundation. I have suffered the suffering. Now is for him to come and build on that foundation, and make sure that he now spends more time with you.”

Urging pensioners and parents to support the developmental strides of his administration, by voting a capable and competent governor into power, Obaseki said: “Pensioners, you must wake up. We have been paying pensioners since 2016 when we came in. Call your tenants, call everybody in the house to go and register and make sure they vote. Because if they do not vote, and the wrong party comes in, they will stop your pensions again.

“What about parents? Look at the schools. Any of you who have time, just go through any of our schools in Oredo. See how the teachers are teaching these children. See the confidence these children have now. Every parent who has a child in a school must come out to protect the future of that child, and vote the person who will continue with what we are doing.”

Charging the campaign committee and the party faithful in the local government, the Governor said: “By the grace of God and your support, we have been able to achieve what we have achieved today. I will not leave you. You will have everything you need to work for this election. We want to show them that Oredo is the hub of politics, and we will bring our people out.

“We will give you everything you need. We will give you a list of all the projects we have done in Edo. You will be shocked by the number of young men and women we have trained through EdoJobs. All we need to do is call them and mobilize them.

“We have what it takes to win. We will win. The issue is not about winning. The issue is the margin. The margin by which we want to win is what I am concerned about. Oredo has no business taking second or third. We must come first. Our people want to say ‘thank you’ through their votes, for all we have done for Oredo. So, we must go to them and talk to them.”

Highpoint of the event was the official Inauguration of the Oredo Campaign Committee.

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