Category Edo SABER
EXCO Approval for 2024 BERAP
The Technical Sub-Committee was set up by the Permanent Secretary (Mr. Edionwe) of MWCCE, who is the Chairman State Committee on Export Promotion (EDSCEP) on the 15th April, 2021. The Committee was inaugurated to develop a framework to promote exportable…
Access to Credit Guide
Targeted Beneficiaries – Smallholder farmers, agriculture processors, commodity associations • Sector – Agriculture the agricultural commodities covered under the Programme shall include Cereals, Cotton, roots and tubers, Sugarcane, Tree Crops, Legumes, Tomatoes, Livestock and any other commodity that may be…
Edo State Water Supply Project Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Summary
The Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tool provides high-level screening to help consider short- and long-term climate and disaster risks at an early stage of project design. The tool applies an Exposure-Impact-Adaptive capacity framework to characterize risks (Annex 1). Potential…
Climate & Disaster Risk Screening Tools
Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Report for Edo Bus Terminal Project in Nigeria