We want our people to come and do business here in Nigeria and we also want Nigerians to come and invest in South Africa.
The report is a testament to the accountability, transparency and the prudent management of resources by the Governor Godwin Obaseki-led government.
The numbers to call are 08139862280, 09088380601, while the toll-free number is 08001235111.
The enhanced security situation in the State has resulted in a high sense of investor confidence in the State.
I remember very vividly that night, the looks on the faces of many of the returnees.
There are three areas we are still struggling with that we need some help and thinking through.
Obaseki emphasized that security challenges in the nation can be curbed if youths are productively engaged.
It featured free health examination which comprised vital signs, eye screening, Covid vaccination, health and nutritional talks as well as different exercise drills.
Col. Omomia further said that his men quickly swung into action and stormed the said facility.
I am very happy that we have workers in Edo State who are excited about learning.