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UNIBEN SUG Applauds Gov. Obaseki’s Educational Reforms in Edo State, Hosts Maiden Edition of League of Brainiacs

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Obaseki pledges N10m trust fund, free wi-fi on university campus


_By Violet Osatohanmwen Obamwonyi_

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, recently stated that the younger generation must remain the foremost concern for any conscientious and accountable government. This underscores his administration’s unwavering dedication to providing high-quality and easily accessible foundational education and assistance for young people. He conveyed this message on the 9th of August, 2023, during the inaugural League of Brainiacs event, hosted by the Student Union Government (SUG) of the University of Benin, in Benin City.

Commending the SUG for their innovative initiative, the Governor praised the platform for its unique emphasis on learning, knowledge acquisition, and self-challenge. The Governor expressed his delight in attending the event and highlighted his commitment to supporting such endeavors.

According to Obaseki, “This event is unique. I am very pleased because you have thought about it, organized it yourselves and executed it, to emphasize what you came here to do, which is learning and acquisition of knowledge, and to challenge yourselves in the area of education and learning. So far, I am so pleased coming to this event.”

Governor Obaseki proposed the establishment of a trust fund to ensure the continuation of the event beyond the current SUG administration. He pledged an initial sum of 10 million naira to initiate the trust. In addition, he promised to provide free wi-fi access to all students on campus within 30 days.

“As I sat down there listening to you all, I said to myself, how do we as a government or how do I as a Governor ensure that this event continues? I would advise the SUG president; why not institute a trust in your time. I would support that trust so that every year we can come here. And I would put the first 10 million naira into that trust, so that this will not just be a one-off event, but an event that would continue beyond the tenure of the current president.

“I want to thank all of you and assure you that for the rest of my tenure, I would continue to support you and support this university. My present to you is that within 30 days from today, I would provide you all with free wifi”, Obaseki said.

Underlining the significance of prioritizing the youths, the Governor reiterated his government’s emphasis on foundational education. He stressed the importance of building a solid educational foundation for future generations, enabling them to excel on a global scale.

Obaseki stated: “As you have heard, our priority as a government is you, young people, because I keep saying that what is important is not today, we already know about today, what is important is tomorrow. And who are those that represent tomorrow? It is you. That is why we emphasize education, particularly foundational education; that every child born in Edo State must be educated to the quality that equates to what you will get anywhere in the world. And once the foundation is right, you can build anything on top.”

The Governor also encouraged active participation in governance, urging young minds to take ownership of their roles in shaping the nation. He emphasized the importance of collective efforts in building a stronger society, discouraging the notion of seeking solutions through migration.

The importance of the event was further underscored by the First Lady of Edo State, Mrs. Besty Obaseki, in her goodwill message. She applauded the SUG executives for their intellectual prowess and professional organization of the event. She urged the students to remain committed to enshrining good governance and transforming the nation’s political landscape.

According to the First l
Lady, “I am glad that you have a Student Union Government that is awake and alive to the ideas of a real and progressive society. I would encourage you to continue and do this annually. Let this become a culture and help transform our youth to be leaders in the university community and across Nigeria. As you know Edo is a leader, we show others the way.”

Addressing the transformative impact of education, Mrs. Obaseki contrasted approaches employed by enlightened societies with the Nigerian experience. She praised Governor Obaseki’s leadership for exemplifying how educated and informed individuals can contribute positively to politics and governance.

Earlier in her welcome address, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin, Professor Lilian I. Salami, ably represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ekehuan Campus, Professor B.A. Ayinde, thanked the Governor for gracing the occasion with his presence and providing numerous infrastructural developments in the University and environs, not minding that it is a federal university.

Salami said: “We are full of appreciation for all the various things you have done for this university. We cannot name them all. But it is noteworthy to mention the central park we have at the bank road which was singlehandedly constructed by the performing Governor of Edo State. Equally all developments we had on the roads of the University of Benin, they were carried out by the Governor. His wife, the First Lady has also been contributing immensely to the development of education in the university.”

On his part, the SUG President, Comrade Israel Nmoye, applauded the Governor Obaseki-led education reforms through its EdoBEST program which has set Edo on a world stage, bringing other sub-nationals and nations for an understudy tour in the state.

Nmoye said: “I have keyed into your own vision on education, how you have transformed education in Edo State. You have done so much in the education sector and also you have brought that innovation down to the University of Benin. The Governor is a student-loving person. University of Benin is a federal institution and not a state university but the Governor thought it wise to reward it because he does not compromise or discriminate. He is a lover of all, whether federal or state school, he is open to development.”

The climax of the occasion featured the presentation of award to Governor Godwin Obaseki, in recognition of his significant contributions to education reforms within the University of Benin, his support for the current SUG executives, and his impactful initiatives which are all beneficial to the university community.

Also present at the event were; the Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Blessing Agbebaku; President of World Medical Association, Dr. Osahon Enabulele; representatives from various university faculties, amongst others.

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